RED RF TO PL ADAPTER PACK 迅猛龙 RF卡口转接PL卡口转接环 SKU 790-0738


The RED® V-RAPTOR® RF to PL Adapter Pack provides a robust PL mount solution for the RED V-RAPTOR. Supporting Cooke /i lens communication, power and record triggering, the RF to PL Adapter expands the functionality of the camera's native RF lens mount for professional applications. Constructed of a titanium core, the shimmable RF to PL Adapter is resistant to environmental temperature changes, providing consistent and precise back focus.


The RED V-RAPTOR RF to PL Adapter Pack includes V-RAPTOR Adapter Support Brackets to provide additional rigidity and a native-like mount experience.


NOTE: The RF to PL Adapter is not compatible with Electronic Filters.


